Au service des familles qui désirent rehausser la qualité de leur vie en buvant une eau saine et pure.

“Merci pour avoir fait connaître à ma famille le système d'eau Eagle. Nous ne consommons plus d'eau en bouteille. Nous économisons plus de 50 $ par mois seulement pour l'eau. Nous utilisons moins de savon et notre nourriture a si bon goût.”

La famille Tombran

Nancy & Tony Venditi

“Depuis l'installation du système, la qualité de l'eau est considérablement améliorée, éliminant les éruptions cutanées que j'avais depuis des mois. De plus, les vêtements sortent extrêmement doux de la sécheuse et ce, en utilisant moins de détergent.”

Nous offrons de l'équipement supérieur et des solutions efficaces  pour traiter votre eau, répondant ainsi à vos attentes et à votre budget.


Nos produits sont certifiés « Sceau d'or » par la WQA (Water Quality Association), par la CSA (Canadian Standards Association) et par la NSF (National Science Foundation).

Rehaussez la qualité de votre vie en buvant une eau saine et pure

Analyse de votre eau gratuitement et sans engagement

Avez-vous des troubles de : 

- eau ferreuse;

- eau jaune;

- eau sulfureuse;

- mauvaises odeurs dans l'eau?

Regethermic’s Solution

Respect des normes environnementales

Face à la crise environnementale mondiale et avec la mise en place de réglementations strictes, l’adoption de pratiques durables n’est plus une option, mais une nécessité. Dans le secteur de la santé, où l’impact environnemental est particulièrement significatif, les hôpitaux et les résidences pour aînés cherchent activement des solutions écologiques pour réduire leur empreinte carbone.

Regethermic, pionnier en innovation des produits de restauration en milieu hospitalier, propose une gamme de vaisselle compostable spécifiquement conçue pour répondre aux besoins de ces établissements. Ces produits respectent les normes environnementales strictes et promeuvent des pratiques durables, assurant ainsi un avenir plus vert et plus sain pour tous.


Regethermic :
Your Partner for a Sustainable Future

Adopt Regethermic's compostable tableware and transform your healthcare facility into a model of sustainability. Our products offer an innovative and ecological solution, complying with strict regulations and benefiting from globally recognized certifications.

 By choosing Regethermic, you opt for a reduced ecological footprint, better waste management, and a positive social impact. It is time to take concrete steps to protect our planet.

 By integrating our compostable solutions, you can improve the sustainability of your operations while demonstrating a solid commitment to the environment. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.

Take action now and contact Regethermic to discover how our products can transform your facility. Together, let's take a step towards a greener and healthier future.


Importance of Regulatory Compliance

Complying with current standards and regulations is essential to ensure sustainability and protect the environment.

Regulatory compliance ensures the legality of operations and promotes environmentally friendly practices, thus strengthening healthcare institutions' commitment to sustainability while avoiding legal sanctions.

Canada has implemented strict regulations to ban single-use plastics to protect the environment. The Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations (SOR/2022-138), based on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1999), prohibit manufacturing, importing, and selling various single-use plastic items, including food containers and utensils. Adopting compostable products allows compliance with these regulations and avoids sanctions while reducing plastic pollution and protecting wildlife.


This Canadian standard specifies performance criteria for compostable materials, ensuring their rapid degradation and environmental safety under industrial and domestic composting conditions.

CAN∕BNQ 0017-088

In Europe, compostable products must comply with the EN 13432 standard to be certified as biodegradable in industrial composting facilities. The "OK compost INDUSTRIAL" and "OK compost HOME" certifications from TÜV AUSTRIA ensure that products meet the requirements of the European packaging directive (94/62/EEC) and can decompose efficiently without leaving toxic residues.


This international standard defines the requirements for compostable and biodegradable materials, ensuring that products decompose effectively without leaving toxic residues in industrial composting environments.


Distinction Between
Compostable and Biodegradable

In the context of ecological practices, it is crucial to understand the difference between "compostable" and "biodegradable."

While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to different decomposition processes with varying environmental and waste management implications. 

Understanding this distinction helps choose the most suitable products for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Compostable products decompose under specific conditions. This process requires controlled temperatures, humidity, nutrients, and oxygen, leaving no toxic residues.

 Compostable products are certified according to strict standards, such as EN 13432 in Europe, ASTM D6400, and ASTM D6868 in North America.

 These certifications ensure that products decompose entirely within a specified time and under industrial or domestic composting conditions without leaving harmful environmental residues.


Biodegradable products can naturally decompose in the environment but may take much longer, leaving residues like microplastics if not adequately treated. 

Biodegradability does not necessarily guarantee the absence of toxic residues and requires specific conditions to be effective. For instance, a product labelled biodegradable might not decompose appropriately in a landfill, where it can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

 It is important to note that while all compostable products are biodegradable, not all biodegradable products are compostable. 

Regethermic's compostable tableware offers an optimal ecological solution, ensuring rapid decomposition without leaving toxic residues.


Innovative Solutions for a Greener Planet

Regethermic is committed to providing sustainable solutions for healthcare facilities with its range of compostable tableware.

These products are designed to minimize environmental impact while offering an effective alternative to single-use plastics.

Regethermic actively contributes to creating a greener planet by using bio-based materials and supporting sustainable practices.

Regethermic's compostable tableware is made from bio-based materials such as corn starch and sugarcane.

Unlike traditional plastics, these materials decompose quickly and completely, reducing plastic pollution and healthcare facilities' carbon footprint.

Biobased materials come from renewable resources, decreasing reliance on fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional plastic production.


" Nos produits incarnent des normes environnementales strictes et favorisent des pratiques durables, assurant ainsi un avenir plus vert et plus sain pour tous."

Les produits compostables de Regethermic se transforment en compost riche en nutriments, améliorant la qualité du sol et soutenant l’agriculture durable. 

Le compost produit est un amendement organique qui enrichit le sol en nutriments essentiels, améliore sa structure et augmente sa capacité de rétention d’eau.

Cette transformation bénéfique contribue à un cycle de vie des produits plus vertueux et respectueux de l’environnement.



➤ Reduction of Plastic Waste: Compostable products prevent the accumulation of single-use plastics in landfills and oceans. By decomposing naturally, they do not contribute to the formation of microplastics, which are harmful to marine life.

➤ Reduction of Greenhouse Gases: Compostable tableware generates less CO2 than traditional plastics. Additionally, avoiding the incineration of plastic waste reduces the emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere.

➤ Promotion of Sustainability: Using renewable materials encourages sustainable agricultural practices and supports the green economy.


➤ 1. Enrichissement du sol : Le compost augmente la teneur en matière organique du sol, ce qui améliore sa fertilité et sa productivité. Les sols enrichis en compost sont plus résilients et moins susceptibles à l’érosion.

➤ 2. Soutien à l’agriculture durable : En fournissant des nutriments essentiels, le compost réduit la nécessité de recourir à des engrais chimiques, diminuant ainsi la pollution des eaux souterraines et de surface.

➤ 3. Séquestration du carbone : Le compostage contribue à la séquestration du carbone dans le sol, aidant ainsi à atténuer les effets du changement climatique. Les sols riches en matière organique sont des puits de carbone efficaces, capturant le CO2 atmosphérique et le stockant sous forme stable dans le sol.

➤ 4. Promotion de la biodiversité : Les sols compostés abritent une diversité d’organismes bénéfiques, tels que les vers de terre et les micro-organismes, qui jouent un rôle crucial dans la décomposition des matières organiques et la libération des nutriments.


Get more information on compostable tableware now!

International Certifications

Certifications play a crucial role in ensuring product sustainability and environmental safety.

They provide independent proof that products meet rigorous ecological performance standards, assuring consumers and businesses that the products they use or purchase have been tested and validated for compostability and minimal environmental impact. 

By choosing certified products, healthcare facilities can ensure regulatory compliance, strengthen their commitment to sustainable practices, and reassure their clients about the safety and effectiveness of the products.


➤ BPI Certification (North America)

• The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certifies that products meet the ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 standards for compostability. This certification ensures that Regethermic's compostable tableware is accepted in industrial composting facilities in North America, ensuring their effectiveness and safety.

➤ TÜV AUSTRIA Certifications (Europe)

• OK compost INDUSTRIAL (EN 13432): This certification ensures product biodegradability in industrial composting facilities.

• OK compost HOME: This certification guarantees product biodegradability in home composts, even under less optimal temperature and humidity conditions.

• DIN-Geprüft Industrial Compostable: Offering recognition across Europe, this certification validates compostable materials in industrial environments.

These certifications demonstrate that Regethermic's compostable tableware meets the highest compostability standards, ensuring a reliable and secure ecological solution for healthcare facilities.

Social and Environmental Impact

Adopting compostable tableware in hospitals and nursing homes significantly benefits the environment and society. Here is how these products contribute to a more sustainable and beneficial future for all.

Adopting Regethermic's compostable tableware significantly reduces plastic waste. Unlike traditional plastics, which can take hundreds of years to decompose, these products transform into nutrient-rich compost without leaving toxic residues.

By replacing single-use plastics with compostable alternatives, healthcare facilities can decrease their ecological footprint and avoid the formation of harmful microplastics.


➤ Minimizing Plastic Pollution

➤ Efficient Waste Management

Certified compostable products are designed to decompose in industrial composting facilities. This ensures that hospitals' and nursing homes' waste is eliminated quickly without leaving toxic residues.


Using compostable products shows hospitals and nursing homes' commitment to sustainability and the environment. This adoption raises awareness among staff and residents about the importance of ecological practices, serves as a model for other establishments, and demonstrates that combining quality service with environmental respect is possible.

➤ Promoting Sustainability

➤ Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Healthcare facilities that choose compostable tableware actively contribute to the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and decomposition of traditional plastics. By integrating sustainable waste management practices, they foster a culture of sustainability among their employees and residents, encouraging long-term ecological behaviours.

➤ Enhancing Reputation

Committing to compostable products also enhances healthcare facilities' reputations as leaders in sustainability. This can improve patient and resident satisfaction, as they are increasingly aware of environmental issues and prefer institutions that share their ecological values.

Education and Training

Reducing Waste Management Costs

Improving Quality of Life

Additional Social Benefits

Implementing awareness programs on the importance of compostability and proper waste sorting practices can educate staff and residents about the environmental benefits of compostable products.

In the long run, compostable tableware can reduce waste management costs, as these materials can be processed locally in composting facilities instead of transported to distant landfills

Healthcare facilities create healthier living environments for their residents and staff by reducing plastic waste and improving the local environment.


Quickly get information on compostable tableware right now!


Are You Compliant With the Single-Use Plastic Ban? Choose Regethermic’s Solution Faced with the global environmental crisis and the implementation of strict regulations, adopting sustainable practices is no longer optional but a necessity. 

In the healthcare sector, where environmental impact is particularly significant, hospitals and nursing homes actively seek ecological solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. Regethermic, a pioneer in innovative catering products for hospitals, offers a range of compostable tableware specifically designed to meet the needs of these establishments. 

These products comply with strict environmental standards and promote sustainable practices, ensuring a greener and healthier future.



Innovative products and great service!

Jean-Philippe Pepin

«Thank you, Christophe, for the excellent service!»

Francis Brassard


The solution for
eco-friendly tableware!




© 2024  |  REGETHERMIC. All rights reserved.

1010 Boulevard Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, Qc  J3X 1P7


Business hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

1010 Boulevard
Lionel-Boulet, Varennes,
 Qc  J3X 1P7


➤ A greener future for healthcare facilities

➤ Importance of regulatory compliance

➤ Distinction between compostable and biodegradable

➤ Innovative solutions for a greener planet

➤ International certifications

➤ Social and environmental impact

➤ Additional social benefits

➤ Regethermic : Your partner for a sustainable future

A Greener Future for Healthcare Facilities

50 years of experience

Products in stock

Fast delivery

Impeccable customer service

Sustainability in Healthcare: Comprehensive Guide

OK compost INDUSTRIAL  and OK compost HOME certifications from TÜV AUSTRIA

DIN-Geprüft Industrial Compostable

The Biodegradable Products Institute